COVID-19 Media Tip Card
CDC Resources Travel Advisories City Of Meridian Executive Order COVID-19 2020 Gov. Reeves Shelter-In-Place Exec. Order 4/1/20
COVID-19 Health Screener Worksheet
McAfee DoD Remote Workforce Security
DIY Face Mask Guidance
186th Face Mask Guidance
All members who participate in the virtual UTA will receive credit for drill. To receive credit, check in with your supervisor Saturday morning and Sunday evening. During the wing recall, you will receive instructions from your supervisor on how to check in.
To show that you participated in the virtual UTA, you must provide your first line supervisor with copies of completion certificates via EMAIL. Your supervisor may also have additional instructions for you to receive participation credit.
Supervisors will provide you with the time to check in for UTA.
You are expected to complete 16 hours worth of training during the virtual UTA. This training will consist of AFSC specific training as well as training provided by the Base Education Office.
If you are at home during UTA, you are authorized to wear civilian clothes. However, if you are expected to come to the base for UTA, follow the uniform of the day instructions provided by your supervisor.
Your supervisor will provide you with any AFSC specific training.
No. The training provided on this website can be completed in conjunction with your AFSC specific training. The training provided on this site should be accomplished if you have no AFSC specific training or if your AFSC training does not accumulate to 16 training hours. Ultimately, you should follow the training instructions from your supervisor.
Free Exercise of Religion
No Fear Act
Force Protection
Law of Armed Conflict
CBRNE Part 1
Mitigating Unconscious Bias
Privacy Act Training
FEMA Independent Study courses. There is no cost to the Soldier/Airman or Organization. Individuals, upon completing FEMA Courses, must send copies of completion certificates to your first line supervisor as source documents for pay purposes.
The following link will take you to the training: https://training.fema.gov/is/crslist.aspx First Step if you do not have a FEMA Student Identification Number (SID): - Click on any IS course - Click on "register for one here" under Take Final Exam. - Go to the link and click "Register for a FEMA SID" and follow instructions - Go back to https://training.fema.gov/is/crslist.aspx - go to page 2 - Click on IS-100.c, Introduction to the Incident Command System - Click on "Interactive Web Based Course" under Take This Course - Take Final Exam
a. FEMA IS-100.c, Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS). 2 HRS b. FEMA IS-200.c, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response. 4 HRS
c. FEMA IS-700.b, An Introduction to the National Incident Management System. 3.5 HRS
d. FEMA IS-800.c, National Response Framework, An Introduction. 3 HR
e. FEMA IS-909, Community Preparedness: Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone 1 HR https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-909
f. FEMA IS-242.b, Effective Communication. 2 HRS
g. FEMA IS-230.d, Fundamentals of Emergency Management 6 HRS
h. FEMA IS-75, Military Resources in Emergency Management 2 HRS
i. FEMA IS-906, Workplace Security Awareness 1 HR j. FEMA IS-102.c, Preparing for Federal Disaster Operations 1 HR
k. FEMA IS-42, Social Media in Emergency Management 3 HRS
DEOC Connect Course
December 2020 UTA Chapel Service