Key Field ANGB Environmental Management

The Environmental Management Office (EMO) at Key Field Air National Guard Base serves as a central point of contact and clearing house for all environmental issues. The Key Field ANGB Environmental Commitment Statement is linked below, as well as a hyperlink to the Key Field Virtual Environmental Management Office (VEMO) website.  The purpose of this website is to allow Key Field personnel and public access to documents and supporting information prepared as part of the Air Force's ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.

Requests for additional information regarding the environmental programs at
Key Field ANGB should be directed to the 186 ARW Public Affairs Office

This website replaces any and all previously existing websites for Key Field ANGB
environmental documentation."

For additional information please contact:

Environmental Manager: Pierre Dunigan - Comm: (601)-484-9482
State Environmental Officer: Kenneth C. Keith - Comm: (601)-484-9313
Environmental Restoration Program Specialist: Robert Lewis - Comm: (240)-612-8473