Key Field Airman Recipient of NGB Award Published March 13, 2012 186th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office Key Field Air National Guard Base, Miss. -- Master Sergeant Robert C. (Cole) Walker of the 248th Air Traffic Control Squadron, Mississippi Air National Guard, is the recipient of the 2011 Air National Guard Air Traffic Control Watch Supervisor of the Year Award presented by NGB/A3. This award recognizes the accomplishments of the Air Traffic Control Watch Supervisor of the Year selected in competition among all his peers across the Air National Guard to include Air National Guard contract facilities. This award is presented annually as part of Air National Guard Airfield Services Awards Program which recognizes superior performers, outstanding facilities and exceptional leaders. Walker will now represent the Air National Guard in competition against other Major Command winners from across the Air Force for the United States Air Force Air Traffic Control Watch Supervisor of the Year. As an Air Traffic Control Watch Supervisor, Airfield Automation System Administrator and NCOIC of Air Traffic Control Training, Walker has built quite an annual resume for this prestigious award. Whether in the air traffic control tower, simulator or classroom environment, Walker's conduct evokes the serious nature of the career field and displays the perfect example of the professional Air Traffic Controller. A major accomplishment for which Walker has received acclaim is his development of the Airfield Automation System for the Key Field Air Traffic Control Tower. The majority of these systems installed in operational facilities around the country have internet capability which allows them to access aeronautical data from various sources. Due to local area network limitations, the system is not connected to the internet. Despite this limitation, Walker manually developed programs and functions for the system, allowing controllers instant access to vast quantities of aeronautical information while working control positions. During the February 2012 Airfield Operations Compliance Inspection, the Team Chief stated during the out-brief, "I could not tell the system was not connected to the internet." This speaks volumes as to the amount of effort and dedication on Walker's part that went into developing the critical aeronautical products that allow Key Field Air Traffic Control to function.