My Vision and Priorities for Key Field ANGB Published March 7, 2015 By Col. Mike Nabors 186th Air Refueling Wing Commander Key Field Air National Guard Base, Miss. -- Key Field Air National Guard Base is committed to conduct its mission: To provide rapid global mobility and agile combat support to our state and nation. Our vision remains To be the Best Air Mobility Unit, the standard by which others are measured! To accomplish this mission and strive to fulfill the vision, I have established the following priorities to be addressed and implemented by Key Field Air National Guard Base subordinate commanders and supervisors. My first priority is to Perform Flawless Operations. In a time of shrinking budgets and resources that require effective prioritization of tasks and training, we will be asked to do more with less. Therefore, it is essential that all personnel protect our limited resources. We will need to encourage innovation and be open to new ideas from our Airmen. When our Airmen encounter a problem, they should correct it. If they are unable to, they need to report it to someone who can. It is also imperative that we seek innovative training opportunities. No one will accept mediocrity. We will strive for excellence in all we do! I expect superior performance to be rewarded and substandard performance to be corrected. Effective communication remains a major key to effective mission accomplishment. Commanders should continually strive to improve communication across their organization. My second priority is to Develop Highly Trained and Motivated Airmen. Our young drill status guardsmen need to perform hands-on training versus computer based training as much as possible. Commanders will seek out local, TDY and deployment opportunities that provide practical, real world job experience. Full-time technicians and AGRs will not take priority on TDY or deployment opportunities that can be fulfilled by our drill status guardsmen. Everyone will be assigned a mentor; no one is too old in age or high in rank to be mentored. We should strive to be lifelong learners. In order to continue the flow of quality young Airmen into the unit, commanders will encourage all Airmen to actively participate in the recruiting of new members. Our young Airmen should attend recruiting events and offer ideas on how to reach out to their peers who may be potential candidates for recruiting. Equally important with the other priorities is to Instill the Wingman Concept. The Air Force culture is centered on the idea that a wingman will always safeguard his or her lead, and it adheres to the belief that a lead never lets his or her wingman stray into danger. Our Airmen are our greatest resource. We must be ready to take action and assist when signs of trouble are observed and especially when it appears that a fellow Airman may be about to make a poor decision. No one will tolerate conduct that is illegal, immoral or willfully irresponsible. Discrimination of any kind, sexual harassment or sexual assault will not be tolerated. I expect commanders to hold those who are unable to comply accountable for their actions and to punish accordingly. Commanders will encourage your Airmen to support military and community activities and organizations. We are not in this alone and must rely on relationships with our civic and military partners to ensure our future viability. Commanders and supervisors will communicate this message to all Airmen. Live the core values daily in your organization - Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do.